19114 Bella Dr

Cleveland, OH 44119

(216) 481-1500

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Our Houses

Fostering Belonging: Explore Imagine Bella Academy's House System

Imagine Bella Academy is proud to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive school community through its unique house system. Designed to foster camaraderie, collaboration, and a strong sense of belonging, our house program provides an exciting framework for students to engage in friendly competition, teamwork, and personal growth. Within this system, students from diverse grade levels are assigned to different houses, each with its own distinct identity and character.

Whether it be through academic challenges, athletic events, or creative endeavors, students have the opportunity to earn points for their houses, forging bonds and showcasing their talents along the way. With an emphasis on building school spirit, developing leadership skills, and promoting positive behavior, the house system at Imagine Bella Academy creates a supportive environment where every student can thrive and make lasting memories.

Green“I feel like no one can hold me back from being my best, other than my very own self.”
  • From the Yoruba language
  • The student will be less of a talker and more of a doer
  • Openly embrace the unknown and be courageous enough to set goals
Red“When I fall down, I will humbly get right back up without being negative or complaining, and I will realize that I have the power to be even stronger than I was before the fall.”
  • From the Somali language
  • Determination and perseverance
  • Show growth from your struggles and challenges
Yellow“I do for you in a humble manner, and you do for me in a humble manner.”
  • From the Shona language
  • Not just saying in words, but showing in thoughts and actions
  • Treating others with love, respect, tolerance, and understanding
Self Ulwazi
Self Knowledge
Purple“I will reflect on my daily actions and make the changes necessary for positive growth.”
  • From the Zulu language
  • Value and show that you respect yourself by being honest
  • Making sure that our words have “Nia” – meaning
Black“When I am making choices and decisions, I not only consider what I need but what is also best for everyone involved, or that may be affected by my decision.”
  • From the Swahili language
  • Show selflessness
  • Showing integrity and doing what is best for the whole